Originally hailing from Morocco and residing New York City, Redwane Gatarny, a trained chef, embarked on a journey back to his culinary roots. After seven years in public health, he decided to return to his passion for good food with a dream of sharing the authentic flavors he remembers from his childhood. He wanted to open a seasonal food trailer on Monhegan Island.

For help making his dream a reality, Redwane reached out to Maine SBDC and was paired with Raynor Large, center director and business advisor at Coastal Enterprises, Inc. Raynor worked closely with Redwane on licensing, permitting, and viability analysis, ensuring that his new business could take off successfully. The pair worked through logistical challenges, including ferry orders and storage, enabling the business to launch on Monhegan Island within the season.

Nestled on picturesque Monhegan Island, Palette Crêperie opened its window to the Monhegan community in July 2023, serving mouthwatering crepes and refreshing smoothies. This culinary gem has garnered tremendous support and positive feedback, indicating significant potential for growth. With a successful start, Palette Crêperie is poised for a future brimming with opportunities.

Redwane comments, “I am extremely grateful to find SBDC.  On a personal level, knowing that SBDC is an accessible and knowledgeable resource had a huge positive impact in my mental health. SBDC decreased my burden and stress level. On a business level, Palette Crêperie is my very first business, and SBDC played and continues to play a critical rule in operationalizing that dream.”

Advice from Redwane: Reflecting on his experience, Redwane emphasizes the high-quality startup advice, confidentiality, and impeccable reputation that SBDC holds within the Maine business community. He is immensely grateful for finding SBDC and looks forward to continuing this partnership, recommending the organization wholeheartedly to fellow business owners.

Follow this new business on their Facebook and Instagram pages!

The post Palette Crêperie – Monhegan appeared first on Maine SBDC.

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